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 (Click on the title to read the full article)

A Brief History of the “Nakba” in Israel.


Eitan Bronstein Aparicio

Mondoweiss, 15/05/2016


This text describes the discourse on the Nakba -- mostly the concept but also the historical event -- in Israel. When did it appear? When did it decline and was repressed? What caused these changes? The attempt here is to describe historical moments, a periodization, from the founding of the state until today, in order to describe the relation to the term in each period and the changes it went through...


To read the Hebrew version of the text in PDF click here or read it directly on Haoketz


To read the Arabic version of the text in PDF click here or ready it directly on Haoketz Arabic

The role of Israeli Jews in planning for Palestinian return.


Eitan Bronstein Aparicio

972 Magazine, 10/05/2016.


The Nakba has entered the mainstream Israeli discourse in recent years in ways that were unthinkable in the past. A large majority of Jews in Israel know it is a word in Arabic connected to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has a negative connotation, shows a public opinion poll to be published soon by De-Colonizer...


To read the Hebrew version of the text, click here.

A small step toward recognizing the Nakba.


Eitan Bronstein Aparicio

972 Magazine, 19/12/2015.


About two weeks ago, far from the public eye, something with potentially far-reaching and serious consequences occurred in Israel: An inspector on a local planning committee recommended that a sign be placed at a site slated for development in the city of Ashkelon, mentioning the Palestinian town of Hamama that stood there until 1948...


To read the Hebrew version of the text, click here.

Nerves/Gas at Rachel’s Tomb

Eitan Bronstein Aparicio

Mondoweiss, 19/11/2015.


We stand in the cold, we hear the bangs of the stunt grenades and inhale some of the gas. “But don’t worry, if the military feels your security is at stake they will immediately instruct us to go into the complex which is sealed and protected”, she makes an effort to ease the anxiety. Aviva thanks the Americans for coming to Israel during these rough times because any show of support in these days is highly significant. Welcome to the Holy Land...


To read the Hebrew version of the text, click here.

לקריאת הטקסט בעברית לחצו כאן

על החומוס לבדו

מאת איתן ברונשטיין אפריסיו, העוקץ



אכילת חומוס משותפת הפכה סימן לפעילות ששום דבר פוליטי משמעותי יכול לצאת ממנה, לשיא קלישאת ה״דוּקִי״. אך בימים אלה דווקא לאכול חומוס ביפו היא פעילות של סולידריות עם בעלי עסקים ערבים המתמודדים עם חרם גזעני...


From Tel Aviv to Marseille, we are all Pierre Stambul

Eléonore Merza Bronstein



June 9, 2015. Night has fallen on Marseille, it’s around 2 am when the Raid (the anti-terrorist unit of the French National Police) closed the whole neighborhood, forbidding any movements in it, and broke down the door of a building. A neighbor, worried by the noise, is stepping out the front door to check what is happening, he is thrown on the floor bluntly (...)  But wait. The Raid? In the middle of the night? Is a terrorist leaving in this building? Are French people in danger in this quiet neighborhood of Marseille? 

Who the hell is leaving in this building and deserves to be « neutralized » by our « Men in black »? Who is this man strapped into a chair while his partner is plated wall...


To read the Hebrew version of the text, click here.


In 2015, memory of Nakba has inched closer to Israeli mainstream

An op-ed for 67th Nakba Day

Eitan Bronstein & Eléonore Merza Bronstein

15/05/2015, +972 Magazine


Until a few years ago, inside Israel, Nakba Day was marked primarily on Independence Day. It was a family and community tradition among internally displaced Palestinians going back to the days of the military government. After the Oslo Accords, it developed into large, political demonstrations. 
Three years ago, Tel Aviv University students started holding a memorial ceremony on Nakba Day itself, May 15. The event created a huge scandal and the mainstream media gave voice to supporters of the ceremony as well as to its opponents... 


To read the Hebrew version of the text, click here.


La Nakba n'est-elle qu'une histoire palestinienne? 

Eitan Bronstein & Eléonore Merza Bronstein

15/05/2015, Médiapart


Concernant la fabrique de son histoire et de son identité nationale, force est de constater qu'Israël est un pays comme les autresElle fonctionne sur une série de mythes constitutifs. La différence principale entre Israël et les autres États tient sans doute au temps court qui sépare sa fondation de la période actuelle qui nous permet d'observer, peut-être plus facilement, les mécanismes historiographiques et la construction narrative à l'oeuvre. Parmi ses mythes fondateurs, celui d'une Palestine "vide de"... 


Le temps est venu de nous libérer.

Eitan Bronstein & Eléonore Merza Bronstein

29/04/2015, L'Humanité


Il semble qu'au 67e anniversaire de l'indépendance de l'État d'Israël, ses citoyens sont plus éloignés que jamais de la "libératoin" promise le jour de sa création. Une guerre qui avait pour but de nous (juifs) "libérer" et qui, en 1948, s'est soldée par une occupation militaire et l'expulsion de la plupart des Palestiniens du pays. Plus perverse encore, l'occupation a transformé l'identité collective israélienne en une identité colonialiste, et dans leur majorité, les Israéliens sont engagés dans sa poursuite et ne remettent pas en cause le sacrifice de leurs enfants dans ces guerres continuelles... 


Le texte publié dans L'Humanité est une version raccourcie du texte complet que vous pouvez lire ici


It's about time for liberation

An op-ed for 67th Israeli Independance  Day

Eitan Bronstein & Eléonore Merza Bronstein

23/04/2015, +972 Magazine


It seems that on the 67th Independence Day of the State of Israel, its citizens are farer than ever from the “liberation” promised on the day of its founding. A war that had been intended to “liberate” us (‘us’ being Jews alone, of course) in 1948 ended in military occupation and the expulsion of most of the Palestinians from the country. Even more severe than that, the occupation turned the Israeli-Jewish collective identity into an occupier’s one, which since then has been, in its great majority, committed to continuing the enterprise of occupation...


To read the Hebrew version of the text, click here.

מתי התחיל הכיבוש ? מחשבות על יום העצמאות והנכבה

איתן ברונשטיין אפריסיו ואלאונור מרזה

 הגדה השמאלית, 25/04/2015


דומה שיום העצמאות ה-67 של מדינת ישראל מוצא את אזרחיה רחוקים מאי פעם מה"שחרור" שהובטח ביום הקמתה. המלחמה שנועדה "לשחרר" אותנו (רק את היהודים כמובן) ב-1948 הסתיימה בכיבוש צבאי וגירוש רוב הפלסטינים מהארץ. אבל חשוב מכך הוא הכיבוש שהתנחל עמוק בתוך הזהות של הקולקטיב הישראלי-יהודי שמאז רואה עצמו מחויב להמשך מפעל הכיבוש שנולד בתש"ח...


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The Zionist left destroyed Palestine; The right will burry the Zionist enterprise?
Eitan Bronstein Aparicio
September, 2023

A presentation for a conference of ICAHD. Watch in the video from 51:30 minute.

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Interview with Eitan Bronstein Aparicio
Branimir Pofuk, Obzor Politički Magazin
November, 2023

In English here. In Croatian here.

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L’effondrement interne de l’entreprise sioniste
Eitan Bronstein Aparicio a fait une présentation au colloque organisé par l’Institut La Boétie et Rima Hassan. C'est doublé en français. Voici le texte en anglais et voici en hébreu.
December, 2024
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