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התוכל לשאת את הנכבה ביום העצמאות? 


טלויזיה חברתית


בית משפחתה. אין טבעי מזה, היא אומרת...

ערב יום העצמאות, פעילות ופעילים יוצאים לחלק מדבקות עם המילה "נכבה" לחוגגים ברחובות תל אביב. האם יוכלו החוגגים לשאת את הנכבה ביום חגם?
כתבה של הטלויזיה החברתית על הפעולה של דה-קולונייזר לציון הנכבה ביום העצמאות בתל אביב.

צפו כאן ישירות ביוטיוב.




On Independence Day, activists are going to distribute stickers with the word "Nakba" in the streets of Tel Aviv. Will the Israelis be able to cope with the Nakba on their holiday? A report by Social Television, watch the report with English subtitles here. 


قرية المنصورة في الجولان المحتل تسترجع ذكرياتها موقع الجولان للتنمية / ايمن أبو جبل

Jawlan 02/04/2016

 "فاروق ميرزاموخو" هو واحد من أولئك الذين أُجبروا على الرحيل القسري من قرية المنصورة السورية ،التي تحولت بعد سنتين فقط من حرب حزيران 1967 الى انقاض قرية مدمرة، باستثناء مدرستها التي تخرج منها خيرة أبناء القرية، وغدوا شعراء وكتاب وفنانين، وحولها المستوطنين الإسرائيليين في الجولان المحتل الى حظيرة ابقار... 

 אני חוזרת הביתה, הבית שעוד יהיה לי


כותבת אורחת: עמירה הס

הארץ 06/04/2016

 אלאונור מרזה פרשה את ידה במחווה של הזמנה ואמרה במאור פנים, "בבקשה, היכנסו פנימה". עוד רגע היתה שואלת מי רוצה קפה ומי רוצה תה. זה היה רגע שהפגיש עבר משוחזר עם עתיד מדומיין, בנקודת ציון 33°8'28"N35°47'30" E. מרזה, בת 36, רוצה לבנות את ביתה בדיוק במקום שבו עמד פעם בית משפחתה. אין טבעי מזה, היא אומרת...





يساريون إسرائيليون وأجانب في جولة ميدانية للقرى المدمرة في الجولان المحتل

موقع الجولان للتنمية /أيمن أبو جبل

Jawlan 01/04/2016


قام وفد من يساريون اسرائيليون وأجانب متضامنين مع  القضية الجولانية بكافة مركباتها، في زيارة إلى الجولان السوري المحتل، تستمر لمدة يومين. ودخل الوفد إلى الأراضي السورية المحتلة من جنوب الجولان عبر بوابة الحمة السورية، وهي الحدود التي كانت قائمة قبل حرب حزيران عام 1967،...


Nakba uten slutt?

By: Marius Von Der Fehr, NY TID



Det internasjonale samfunnet må ta ansvar og komme på banen for å løse konflikten i Israel og Palestina. «Spesielt Europa og USA, som bidro til en videreføring av Holocaust gjennom al-Nakba,» mener Eleonore og Eitan Bronstein...


The Inside out Project: an interview with Eléonore Merza-Bronstein. 

By: Rachel Wickert / Minds et Motion



The Inside out Interview Project was born out of our desire to strengthen relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and also to develop new ones. We foster innovative ideas and nurture a fertile network (rhizome). 

The team has approached social entrepreneurs around the globe and asked them to answer 20 questions.

Learn more about Eléonore Merza-Bronstein, co-founder and co-director of De-Colonizer and about its projects and work.





By: Allegra Lab



The idea of sharing knowledge with a broader audience, not limited to small circles of experts and academics, is very dear to both De-Colonizer and Allegra. We also feel that collaborations between artists and scientists can help us start imagining a different world. But in the context in which De-Colonizer operates, this mandate is perhaps even more crucial. We sat down with Eleonore Merza-Bronstein, one of its founders (and an anthropologist like us!), for a virtual conversation on the importance of knowledge, art and performance for social change...




A Palestinian refugee's open letter to all Israelis 

By: Israa Thiab / +972



A letter sent to De-Colonizer:
״I know your fear is very real to you, even if it makes little sense to me. I know you see my desire to return to the land of my parents as an attack on your very existence. I wish our rights weren’t framed in zero-sum terms״.




Why did UN erase 1000 years of Palestinian heritage?

By: Sarah Irving, Electronic Intifada



Last year, the UN recognized an area of outstanding archaeological and architectural remains, located south of Jerusalem and Bethlehem but lying within the current State of Israel, as a world heritage site.

The documentation lists periods of Hebrew, Persian, Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine, early Islamic and Crusader remains as the key points in thousands of years of human culture to be found there. The recognition stops then – almost a millennium ago...


Destruction of Palestinian villages is not a matter of perspective.

By: Amira Hass, Haaretz



An NGO has issued a second edition of its successful Nakba map, showing 601 Palestinian villages and 194 Syrian villages destroyed in 1948 and 1967, respectively, as well as destroyed Jewish communities... 


Shhhh, the Nakba made it to prime time

By: Dahlia Scheindlin, +972 Magazine



The tortured road of the Nakba towards a legitimate place in the Israeli historical memory has some unexpected twists. 
Eitan Bronstein Aparicio and Dr. Eléonore Merza Bronstein recently explained that at first, it was mainly Palestinians who wished to commemorate the Nakba. Next came far-left wing Jews in Israel. Following that came the right-wing or oppositional Jewish Israeli approaches, such as "Jewish Nakba", a phrase coined over the years as a name for the violent expulsion of Jews from Arab countries following the establishment of the State of Israel. Their article highlights how defensive efforts to reject the history of the Palestinian Nakba, or turn Jewish history into a political rebuttal, actually acknowledge its importance... 


" So wait, the Nakba is... ? ": Listening to Israelis discuss the Nakba.

By: Yara Dowani, Mondoweiss



How interesting it was to read the answers of Israelis who were asked about the Nakba for the video “So wait, the Nakba is…?”, done by De-Colonizer. Interesting but yet kind of disturbing.

The interesting part was the idea of going around in Tel Aviv and asking random Israelis about this topic. In my opinion this step taken by De-Colonizer is really brave, because one has no idea what and how their reactions would be... 

מה ישראלים יודעים על הנכבה?


כותבת אורחת: יארא דואני

 שיחה מקומית, 15/05/2015


הנכבה היא חגיגה דתית ערבית או אולי אבן גדולה - אלו היו חלק מהתשובות שקיבלו יוצרי סרטון ששאלו תל-אביבים מהי הנכבה. כיצד יכול מושג להכיל כל כך הרבה כאב לקבוצה אחת ובו זמנית להיות חסר משמעות עבור קבוצה אחרת, שבחלקה אחראית ליצירת הסבל?



Eitan Bronstein, la force du refus.

By: Rosa Moussaoui, L'Humanité



La scène se déroule le 4 janvier à Paris, devant l’Assemblée nationale. La voix amplifiée par un mégaphone couvert de papier jaune, un homme s’adresse à cette France qui proclama en 1789 la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et...


Un citoyen israélien demande au gouvernement français de boycotter Israël.

By: Agence Media Palestine



Voici la déclaration lue par Eitan Bronstein Aparicio le 04 janvier 2015 près de l’Assemblée Nationale:

Je m’appelle Eitan Bronstein Aparicio, je suis citoyen israélien et j’habite à Tel Aviv. j’appelle le gouvernement français à...


Eitan et Éléonore: les militants refusent l’injustice.

By: Piédad Belmonte,La Marseillaise



Le couple de Tel Aviv milite à Zochrot pour sensibiliser les juifs israéliens à la Nakba.

Eitan Bronstein et Éléonore Merza, militants de Zochrot « Les souvenantes » en hébreu, sont venus de Tel-Aviv au Manifesten de Marseille hier, raconter...


Palestine, les traces de la mémoire.

By: Rosa Moussaoui, L'Humanité



Tel-Aviv (Israël), envoyée spéciale. Depuis Shuk Ha’Carmel, vieux marché de Tel-Aviv, le quartier yéménite dégringole en ruelles animées. Sur le seuil des maisonnettes fleuries de bougainvilliers, les vieux juifs orientaux y parlent...



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Leaving Israel

Hiva Nuseiba, AJ+ English


"I have a particular responsibility to be vocal. Not because I'm Jewish but because Israel pretends to speak in my name."

This Jewish couple is committed to the Palestinian right of return so they've left Israel to boycott the occupation.

Copyright © 2015 De-Colonizer: Research / Art Laboratory for Social Change. All rights reserved. 

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