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"Mansura revisited" 

March 2015. 

A performance by artist Devora Neumark and De-Colonizer in Mansura village, Occupied Golan Heights. The village was inhabited by some 1100 persons until 1967. After having been occupied as an army base, the schoolhouse of Mansura, which is the last remain of the village, has been abandonned and strongly deteriorated by garbages. 

Mansura Revisited is a multilayered life/art project involving the living histories of several generations. It is at once an aesthetic inquiry into the role that the beautification of home plays for refugee populations and a socio-political exploration of the right of return, which is lodged in both the public sphere and the familial dynamics of the participants. 

Watch here the video and the pictures from the performance.



"An Israeli man in Paris.

A call for boycott from within". 

January 2015. 


In January 2015, Eitan Bronstein called the French Government to boycott Israel. He performed outside of the National Assembly in Paris.

Click here to read his full declaration (in French).

Watch here the photos taken by photographer David Metra.

Mansura revisited


"An Israeli man in Paris "



"I am a Jewish Israeli and I acknowledge the Nakba "


On the eve of the Israeli Independance Day (2014), we remembered the Nakba by performing in the streets of Tel Aviv. 
Portraits of Israelis that publicly aknowledge the Nakba were taken and printed in giant size in order to be posted on the walls of the last remains of Manshiyya that turned to be the Etsel (Lehi) museum after 1948. 

A project inspired by French artist JR, designed and led by Eléonore Merza Bronstein with the help of Eitan Bronstein Aparicio, in the frame of the project "New KKL" held at Zochrot in 2014. 

Click here to see the photos of the preparation and the direct action. 

Watch here the video (with French subtitles).

Copyright © 2015 De-Colonizer: Research / Art Laboratory for Social Change. All rights reserved. 

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