public events/conferences
Here is Manshiya - A protest activity against the Eurovision - watch
De-Colonizer organized protest actions in the Eurovision Village that took place on destroyed Manshiya from May 12 to 18, 2019. Special T-shirts were printed and brochures were distributed to hundreds of visitors throughout the week. The vast majority of Israelis had never heard about Manshiya. There were many interesting exchanges between the activists and the people they met. Many people thanked the activists the important and new information. A protest tent was placed in Manshiya to the south to the Eurovision Village. The first evening went smoothly, but on the second night the inspectors of Tel Aviv municipality illegally stopped the action. They forced the activists to break down tent on Manshiya. ACRI sent a complaint letter to the City Legal Advisor for the illegal behavior of its inspectors (Here in Hebrew). See the photos bellow and the map of all the destroyed Palestinian localities in Tel Aviv.
דה-קולונייזר הוביל סדרת פעולות מחאה בכפר האירוויזיון שהתקיים על אדמת שכונת מנשיה החרבה בתאריכים 12-18.5.2019. חולצות מיוחדות הודפסו ופלאיירים שהוכנו במיוחד הופצו למאות מבקרים במתחם. הרוב הגדול של הישראלים כלל לא יודע על מנשיה והדבר אינו מפתיע כי אין לה כל אזכור בשילוט ובמפות. התפתחו שיחות מעניינות רבות עם מבקרים וחלקם הודו בחום על המידע החשוב שהבאנו בפניהם. במסגרת הפעילות הוקם אוהל מחאה במנשיה, מדרום לכפר האירוויזיון. הערב הראשון עבר ללא תקלות אך בערב השני עם האוהל החליטו פקחי העיריה שהדבר אינו לשביעות רצונם וכפו את פירוק האוהל בניגוד להיתר הכללי שניתן ע״י ראש העיר להקמת אוהל מחאה לזמן של עד 48 שעות ללא צורך בהיתר מיוחד. האגודה לזכויות האזרח שלחה מכתב תלונה ליועץ המשפטי של העיריה בגין פינוי לא חוקי של אוהל המחאה. ראו תמונות מהפעילות וכן את מפת כל הישובים הפלסטיניים ההרוסים בשטח תל אביב.
![]() Bringing ManshiyaInto the Eurovision Village. 13.5.2019 |
![]() Israeli hatAsil and Adam exchange with an Israeli visitor |
![]() Nihki ArabiAsil and a man move to Arabic |
![]() Tala and an ArmenianMentioning the denied Armenian Genocide too |
![]() Checking our IDs"If you'er a good person, which I believe you are, we give it back right away" said the policeman. |
![]() We are hereWalking in a line in Kan Manshiya shirts |
![]() Interested girlsReading the sings |
![]() From Jerusalem to ManshiyaPalestinians are visiting Jaffa beach |
![]() Here, you see?Roni explains to an Israeli |
![]() The leaflet |
![]() The destroyed Palestinian localitiesIn Tel Aviv. On the leaflet |
![]() The Eurovision framePeople are taking photos |
![]() A call from GazaThis drawing was made by Ismail Albozom from Gaza, a refugee from Al-Majdal. He sent it to us tp present it in Tel Aviv. |
![]() "The tent must go down"Tel Aviv inspector explains to our lawyer why the protest tent is illegal |
![]() Folding the signsWhile the inspectors are watching |
![]() The tent goes downForced by the inspectors and police (that allowed it on the same place the day before). |
![]() The tent is downBut we don't go anywhere |
![]() Imanuel writes a new sign"Manshiya's refugees are waiting to return home" |
![]() The three signs displayed againHow they authorities are going to react? |
![]() "Move away the signs!""it's garbage" says the inspector |
![]() "No way!"Eitan holds the sings on him until they give up. |
![]() Kind of funnyThe inspectors are embarrassed for being ridiculous. |
![]() Continue informing peopleNo tent but with conviction to continue delivering the message. Imanuel explains. |
![]() What's so funny?Roni and Imanuel exchange some new words in Hebrew with a tourist. |
![]() For kids tooIt's important information for all ages |
![]() You see Jaffa there?Ido describes the scale of Manshiya until the Nakba |
![]() Nice to meet youTourists are thanking Yosi for the new information |
![]() "You are looking for justice"The woman praises the young activists for their work. |
![]() Lightened churchIn Jaffa |
A visit to the Palestine Museum of Natural History in Bethlehem (Area A)
Would you bear the Nakba on The Israeli Independence Day? / ? התוכל/י לשאת את הנַכְּבַּה ביום העצמאות?
Saturday, 02, July, 2016
De-Colonizer organized a visit for Israelis to the Palestine Museum of Natural History in Bethlehem. The museum's director and founder, Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, introduced this fascinating work done at the museum. As political activists, we usually tend to look only at the injustices under the Israelo occupation in their numerous forms but are not used to look at the impacts of colonialism on the nature, and see the great work done by many Palestinians as part of the resistance too, even though not "direct" one, in its traditionnal sens. We forget that in harsh conditions, knowledge can also be produced in creative ways...
Click here to read the program and watch the photos of the tour.

Wednesday, 12, May, 2016 - 22:30
Leaving Illegallery 81 - 81 Allenby St. (roof top), Tel Aviv / Direct action in the streets of Tel Aviv
It became a tradition: on every Israeli Independence Day we go to the streets of Tel Aviv to commemorate the Nakba in order to remind the Israeli public the disaster of the destruction of most of Palestinian localities in 1948 which turned 750,000 Palestinians to refugees.
We suggested people a simple - yet provocative - gesture to acknowledge publicly the Nakba.T
Click here to watch the photos of the direct action
Should Israelis plan the ‘Awda? / ? ישראלים מתכננים עַוְּדַה
של מי/מה מפה זו ? / ما هذه الخريطة، ولمن هي؟ / Who and what is this map for?

Wednesday, 12, May, 2016
Illegallery 81 - 81 Allenby St. (roof top), Tel Aviv
A discussion (in Hebrew) on Israeli Independence Eve on the role of Jewish Israelis in planning return of Palestinian refugees.In the recent years we’re witnessing actual returns of Palestinians to Bir’im and Iqrith, for visits and for long-term planning of return. In the past, Jewish Israelis also took an active part in these actions, but that is seemingly less the case nowadays. Israelis who support the return are in passive mode, listening to and watching the Palestinians who are seeking and planning their return.Why has this change taken place? Is it important for Israelis to take an active part in planning the return of Palestinian refugees, or should they only stand in solidarity with them?If we do believe they should take an active part, what is the role of Israelis in planning the return of Palestinian refugees? What are the borders and / or limits of partnership between Israelis and Palestinians in planning the return?This discussion raises broader questions on the role of allies in political struggles.
Click here to watch the photos of the event and read the program
Click on the invitation to enlarge it and read the full program
Sunday, 2nd, August, 2015
Tola'at Sfarim - 7 Mazeh St., Tel Aviv
Who and what is this map for?
New voices and views on the Nakba map in Hebrew.
De-Colonizer has cooked up a mix of responses that were created especially for this evening.
The outcome is a story of a path that is not marked on trail maps. It is difficult to move along this road, because of the lack of awareness of it. Arendt observed it, which the Left in Israel refuses to do, thus missing the total expulsion. The map of Palestine was replaced with the Nakba map and Hebrew made Ijlil into Glilot on which was founded a city of delusion. Yehud was established under Yahudiyya, but wait - isn’t this all too much?
Click here to read the program in Hebrew and here to read in Arabic
Read here the contributions of our guests (in Hebrew and in English)
Watch this video in which Eitan Bronstein Aparicio explains why he considers the Nakba map in Hebrew as an act / process of decolonization:
(2'26 / Hebrew with English subtitles)
" Where greening is an act of obliteration".
A screening of the movie "The Village Under the Forest" and a talk on the role of research and art in social change.
In presence of Dr. Heidi Grunenbaum, scholar, author and narrator of the movie directed by Emmy-winner Mark J Kaplan.
Apr, 30, 2015
" Unfolding as a personal meditation from the Jewish Diaspora, The Village Under The Forest explores the hidden remains of the destroyed Palestinian village of Lubya, which lies under a purposefully cultivated forest plantation called South Africa Forest.
Using the forest and the village ruins as metaphors, the documentary explores themes related to the erasure and persistence of memory and dares to imagine a future in which dignity, acknowledgement and co-habitation become shared possibilities in Israel/Palestine."

What do Israelis really know about the Nakba?
An event to commemorate the Nakba on the eve of Israeli Independence Day and a direct action in the streets of Tel Aviv.
Apr, 22, 2015
Watch here the photos of the event and the direct action.

Réunion publique / Palestine-Israël: vivre depuis la Nakba.
Réunion publique à Lyon, organisée par MAN, AFPS Rhône, CCRD du Rhône. Avec le soutien du Collectif 69 de soutien au peuple palestinien.
Apr, 14, 2015
Watch some photos here.
Réunion publique avec l'UJFP / Depuis les élections en Israël, la paix est-elle possible?
Réunion publique avec l'UJFP au CICP, Paris.
Apr, 9, 2015
Watch some photos here and read more about this event here.

I come from there / אני משם / Je viens de là-bas
Launching event of De-Colonizer at Illegallery 81.
Apr, 8, 2015
Read more and watch some photos about this event here.
In December 2014 and January 2015, a tour of public encounters and conferences was organized in 3 cities of France.
We were invited to present our work and our book in Toulouse, Marseille and Paris in front of a numerous public.
Click on the flyer to watch some pictures of our encounters in Marseille and Paris!
Eitan Bronstein Aparicio presented in Amsterdam in 2.10.2018, together with Ali Abunimah, founder of Electronic Intifada, in an public event on the Palestinian refugees and their right of return
Watch the video: